Wasson Web Design

Marketing Your Website

Learn about marketing your website & company, and increase ROI (Return On Investment)
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Did you know having a website is not all you need to grow your business online? This article is dedicated to marketing your website and increasing ROI (Return On Investment).

Here are some of the things we use to market your site and you can use these techniques too.

Social Media Marketing

To date social media marketing is the best way to get the highest ROI. The best social media platform for paid advertisement, as of 2019 is Facebook. There are a few caveats to that: Instagram is great for visually stunning products or services, while Pinterest is great for custom Items. The average ROI across all industries is 400% according to “The Good Monster”. Which means you should make four dollars for every dollar you spend. The ROI varies for each industry. It can also vary heavily on who is doing your marketing. Social media marketing can be the hardest to learn.   

Marketing your site Facebook marketing

Google ads

Google ads may have less of an ROI than social media marketing on average. But It can be very useful for highly competitive markets especially the ones that people seem to be “Googling” all the time. According to research by the American Economic Association, businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on AdWords (Google Ads). The ROI varies for each industry, and who sets it up for you.

Email marketing

Email marketing’s ROI is really based on what you put into it. The possibilities are almost endless with email marketing. You can spend no money on this marketing yet get a good return, or you can spend as much as you want and get an even greater return. With the right kind of creativity Email Marketing can be applied to any kind of business. From cold sales, to keeping your customers in the loop on products and services you are providing. Email marketing is an almost must for every business with ecommerce being the top one. If you’re not using this marketing for ecommerce you’re really missing out.

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In person sales

The ROI for in person sales is a little better than cold calls. Some salesman report as high as a 1 out of 30 people they contact will actually buy their product. This number is highly variable on the type of product you are selling and the cost. There is really no a monetary cost to this one. It all depends on how much time you put into it. You can save lot of time on this one if you research the person or business you are trying to sell to.

Cold calls

We have heard the ROI for this sales tactic can be as high as 1 in 50 people, you contact will actually buy your product. Again, same as “in Person sales” this number is highly variable on the type of product you are selling and the cost. There is really no monetary cost to this one, because it all depends on how much time you put into it. The only cost you may run into is if you hire someone to gather the phone number of people you are trying to sell to.


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